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Jul 26, 20235 min read
Dogma 95: Raw and Unfiltered, A Visceral Joyride Through Cinematic Rebellion
Greetings, Mad Heads! It's me, Davide Catena, once again daring to tread where mainstream fear to set foot. Today, we're going to get a...
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Jul 26, 20234 min read
Dogma 95: Crudo e Senza Filtri, Un Turbinante Viaggio Attraverso la Ribellione Cinematografica
Benritrovati, magnifica gentaglia. Eccomi di nuovo, ad osare addentrarmi in terreni carichi di controversie. Ci immergiamo nelle viscere...
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Jul 19, 20234 min read
Transgressive Fiction: Il genere letterario provocatorio che dobbiamo rivitalizzare
Non c'è dubbio che la letteratura, in tutte le sue molteplici forme, è in grado di allargare i confini e sfidare le norme. E in qualità ...
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Jul 19, 20234 min read
Transgressive Fiction: The Provocative Literary Genre We Need To Revive
There's no denying that literature, in all its manifold forms, has a way of pushing boundaries and challenging norms. And as someone who...
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